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Barber Crossover Program

Cosmetologist-to-Barber Crossover Program

Students in the Barbering Crossover Program will complete a minimum of 200 additional hours in order to prepare for the California Barbering Licensure Exam. The focus of study is on shaving preparation and performance. Students will also learn about the history of barbering, facial hair design, men's hair replacement, men's facial treatments, and manicures for men. Students will review Health and Safety, Infection Control, Disinfection and Sanitation, General Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, Electricity, Shampooing, Hairstyling, Permanent Waving, Chemical Straightening, Hair Coloring and Hair Cutting in preparation for California's written and practical exams in barbering. Students will perform a variety of hair, skin, and shaving services in our full-service, on-site salon.

Prerequisite: Copy of valid California Cosmetology license must be presented to class instructor on first day of class.

Course Fee:  $1,850 

Spring 2025 - Daytime

Dates: TBD

Days: Monday - Friday

Time: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Room: Salon

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Spring 2025 - Evening

Dates: TBD

Days: Monday - Friday

Time: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Room: Salon


Course Fee


Kit & Supplies Pick-Up Event

Kit pick-up is always held the first day of the session.

Students are required to pick up kits and supplies in Room 108 at the time assigned to their level. 

Please Note: No additional pick-up dates will be scheduled. Failure to retrieve your kit could result in non-participation for the term.


Carmen Beck

805.579.6200 ext. 1610